Monday, May 4, 2009


He used to tell me how lucky he was to have me in his life.
I would say no, I'm the lucky one.

"What would I ever do without you?" He would say.

"I don't know. I really don't think I'm all that special. I don't think I'm good enough for you, and one day you'll realize it, and then you will leave me."

"No, that's silly. I will never leave you. You need to start believing that you are good enough for me, and I love you so much."

We would have fights about how I didn't trust him to love me, and how I didn't believe his words.

So I finally let my guard down, and believed that we were good enough for each other. That we will have a beautiful future together, and nothing can break us apart.

And then, I think he finally realized that I'm just not good enough of a girlfriend for him.

Isn't it so painfully ironic?

It was extremely rainy today.
Funny how the sky is a little darker every time I visit that place. It's almost like a reflection of my life.

I stopped there really quickly, and ran out as fast as I had ran in.
I need to run. I'm tired of the memories catching up to me.
But I can't seem to run fast enough, and it is killing me.

Don't forget?

1 comment:

Burun Estetiği said...

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Burun Estetiği