So yesterday was the infamous Black Friday. For my non-American readers, the day after Thanksgiving is supposed to be a day full of amazing sales and shop-a-thons.
I had a meeting with a client at 12:30, so I left my house promptly at 9 to hit the stores up before work. (Even though 4 a.m. is supposedly the best time to catch the sales).
I got to Soho around 10, and the place was packed. Not that it's not normally packed, but this was serious.
Not to bore you with details, I attempted to shop, but I ended up waiting on the line for so long that I 1) never got to the cashier, and 2) was late for my meeting.
Post meeting, I went to Lowe's with my Dad to pick up materials for a job site. Same deal, who would think that people would go crazy over molding on sale? Ugh.
After Lowe's, I figured it was time to go home and hit the hay, but my best friend K is in town for the long weekend, and back to Soho it was.
Once again, the lines were long, long, long. And being 5'2", I soon got tired of being elbowed in the boobs by the 8 million girls fighting over coats and dresses.
By the way, I noted a very funny sight when I was at Forever 21. The store was half filled with bored men who leaned against the walls, and sat on any available flat surfaces while waiting for their women to fight over clothes. It was so cute! I wish I had a man who would wait for me while I shop.
That reminds me, I haven't heard from D in 2 days. Do guys not automatically know that their girlfriends like to hear from them everyday? UGH!
And for the shape of the economy, you would expect there to be huge sales for the cheap people (like me) who don't like to buy things full priced. Yea, that wasn't the case. Which made it even funnier that the chicks at the store would go crazy buying clothes that they can buy for the same price another day when there are less people boob-elbowing.
I did buy a very push-uppy bra that I expect to wear very soon.
Hope you're having a sexy Saturday!
xs and os.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
4 years ago