It is 12 hours before countdown begins in NYC, and I finally have a chance to sit down and think about what really went on in my life this past year.
School-wise, this was the worse year I have ever had. Too much procrastinating leads to too many failed classes. But I hope that I really learned my lesson this time, and maybe 2009 will be a change for me.
Love-wise, I would like to say nothing much happened between D and I this year. But the truth is, to be able to stay together when we see each other less than once a me, is a feat in itself. So kudos to D and I (who still says kudos?), and I hope we have many more anniversaries to come.
Friendship and family...since I've been home, I feel that my mother hated me less and less, and I do notice a difference in my relationship with my dad and brother. I've always had a good one with them, but it's so good to be able to live with them full time and share their daily lives again.
As a person gets older, I feel that it's easier and easier to tell who you can be friends with, and time weeds out the rest. K and I are still inseparable, and it's such a relieve to be able to have someone to count on when you just need to collapse.
Not to mention I've made myself some awesome blogger friends! Thanks for all your sweet comments, and letting me glimpse into your daily lives.
What was your fondest memory of 2008? Or the worst?
Happy New Year from MSM and MSW!
xs and os, sexies!
How to Beat Sex Addiction
4 years ago